Military Intelligence & Cyber Operations
Cypher’s support areas include cyber/intel planning, integration, execution, analysis, and assessment of Cyber operations while serving as a trusted adviser. We focus on the intelligence gaps between capability developers and warfighters while providing experienced planners skilled in translating operational requirements into programmatic ones for emergent capabilities.
Ensuring Mission Critical Capabilities
As client advisor, Cypher ensures all capabilities are soundly integrated and employed in support of the main IT strategy alongside combatant commanders' plans and operations. This is done by providing professionals who thrive on innovation and creativity, and who apply their knowledge of emerging cyber disciplines and progressive academic thought to solve problems of national significance.
Cypher's Personalized & Custom Approach
Cypher's personnel customize their approach to truly fit the unique requirements of each client in an effort to provide solutions to operational security gaps. Our cyber security experts identify critical vulnerabilities bringing the right tools together to deliver optimal solutions. This allows the USG to increase the volume, timeliness, and quality of cyber threat information shared with US private sector entities for optimal security of any cyber threat.
Cyber Warfare is the integration of Information Operations (IO) and Intelligence.
Focusing on National Security Through Technology
Information is a strategic resource vital to national security, and military operations depend on information and information systems for many simultaneous and integrated activities. IO requires the integrated employment of the five core capabilities of: Electronic Warfare (EW), Computer Network Operations (CNO), Psychological Operations (PSYOP), Military Information Support Operations (MISO), Military Deception (MILDEC), and Operations Security (OPSEC) in concert with specified support and related capabilities needed to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own (DoD 2206).
Intelligence/Counterintelligence support Cyber Operations
Before military operations can be planned, the current “state” of the information environment must be collected, analyzed, and provided to commanders and their staffs. This requires information on relevant portions of the physical, informational, and cognitive properties of the information environment, which necessitates collection and analysis of a wide variety of information and the production of a wide variety of intelligence products. Cypher has experts in counterintelligence (CI) investigations, operations, collection, analysis, production, and dynamic functional services that support appropriate IO activities to detect and mitigate foreign intelligence, hacker, and insider threats to DoD information and information systems